Serve in the Children’s Program

Please watch or read the announcement from Mac McNeel who serves in our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) program.

Good morning, I'm Mac McNeel and I am the lead catechist in atrium 1. In layman's terms, I am a Sunday school teacher. I have the great privilege of walking alongside of our 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds as they discover the great love of Jesus... Our Good Shepherd.

Our church is growing. Praise the Lord! But our volunteer base in the church school has shrunk! We need you.

Fact #1: The founding Director of the Stanford Center of longevity says you get an extra bump in brain health by hanging out with people of different generations. And children inspire us with their energy and voracity to learn. We have much to teach them too!

Fact #2: On Dec. 24th we are saying goodbye to our beloved, Diana Small, who has so adeptly run our children and youth programs. We need a strong presence of teen and adult volunteers come January when the new Director of Children and Youth is learning the ropes. With enough volunteers this commitment is only once every 4 to 5 weeks.

Fact#3 So much of the love we come to know in life springs from the love we knew as children. It is an amazing feeling to be part of that love. Our job is simply to show up as that love, with compassion and kindness.

I hope a few of you will hear the voice of God's invitation and will respond and join us in serving our young parishioners in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program.

I’ll be at coffee hour at the sign-up board and happy to answer any questions you might have!


Thank you,

Mac McNeel


Christmas Letter from the Rector


Trinity is Hiring