Letter from the Rector: Invitation to Fall Programs

Dear Trinity Friends,

This week I realized that it’s been more than 10 years since I accompanied a school-aged child to the office supply store in August, list in hand, to purchase pens and notebooks and folders and all the other items that children are asked to bring with them on the first day of school. I’m not much of a shopper, but this particular errand was always one of my favorites.

And yet, even though I’m long out of practice in launching someone into a new classroom, I find myself experiencing that same kind of excitement about the beginning of Trinity’s program year. Here are some of the things the congregation can look forward to, as the calendar flips from August to September, and beyond:

Kickoff Sunday is September 10, when we welcome children, parents, catechists, and volunteers back to the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) church school; the Choir takes their place in the chancel to lead the congregation musically at the 10am service; and Youth Group members begin an eight-week series about caring for their real selves in an increasingly disembodied, artificial world.

Discover all the different ways to learn, serve, and participate in the community of Trinity at the Ministry Fair on Sunday, September 17, after both the 8am and 10am services. The various ministries and groups who invite your participation will have tables set up on the labyrinth during coffee hour, with information about how to get connected.

If you’re interested in exploring important theological topics—like the existence and call of God, living through doubt and struggle, celebrating life, acting justly—then consider signing up for the Called to Question study group, meeting on the four Wednesdays in September, from 12-1:30pm. If you are new or new-ish to the Episcopal church and faith, and want to know more about Episcopal history, beliefs, and practices, then the Episcopal 101 classes might be a good fit for you. Classes will meet after the 10am service on the five Sundays in October, with lunch provided.

Newcomers—or anyone with questions on their minds—are welcome at Coffee with Clergy, a casual, one-hour conversation in the Guild Hall, following the 10am service on Sunday, September 24.

A Newcomer Brunch will be held at the rectory on Saturday, October 21 at 10am, giving people who are newer to Trinity a chance to meet one another and some of our lay leaders, while enjoying good food and fellowship.

The Dinner with Friends program returns this fall, a favorite way to connect with others in small groups, sharing a meal. Signups will begin in September. Dinner with Friends is for anyone and everyone—singles and couples and families, newcomers, and long-time Trinity members.

Plans are underway for Trinity’s Annual Giving season, with an Octoberfest-themed dinner taking place on Saturday, October 7 at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall. Be sure to save the date for this festive event!

And finally, an update about the repairs to the windows and doors damaged during an act of vandalism last October. We expect the new, clear leaded glass to be installed in the church and office doors, and office windows, sometime in early September. The colored glass for the windows in the library and clergy offices will take a little longer, as it needs to be specially ordered and fabricated. The stained-glass artisans, The Judson Studios, are fifth generation artisans who created and installed many of the windows in Trinity’s sanctuary. They estimate this project will be completed before the end of the year.

Trinity’s 2023-24 Program Year is off to a great and invigorating start! I look forward to seeing and meeting many of you at these upcoming events.

With faith and confidence,


The Rev. Elizabeth Molitors, Rector
Trinity Episcopal Church


An invitation from Diana Small, Director of Children and Youth


Trinity awarded Santa Barbara Beautiful