Letter from the Rector: Staff Announcement

Dear people of Trinity,

It's with mixed feelings that I write to tell you about an upcoming personnel transition.

Diana Small, our Children and Youth Director, has let me know that her time with Trinity will come to an end in December.

Diana plans to move out of state, to an area that will better allow her to create experimental theater, and to exercise her creative muscles in new ways.

I'm excited for Diana, but sad for Trinity as she has been a wonderful colleague, and so good at connecting with Trinity's young people and their families, especially considering that she started here in the midst of the global COVID pandemic.

The plans for our program year (2023-24) for children and youth are already well in place. Diana will be working with the Children and Youth Council, Catechists, and Youth Group mentors to make a smooth transition, ensuring that the youngest members of our congregation are well-served.

In December, we'll honor Diana's time with Trinity, and pray her off to the next phase of her life. In the meantime, we can continue to enjoy and appreciate the gifts she shares so generously with the children, youth, and their families.

With faith and confidence,


The Rev. Elizabeth Molitors
Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church

A message from Diana Small

Dear Friends,

As I chase some good change, I must acknowledge that the confidence and clarity I feel about braving a new season of my life comes from the blessing it's been to be in the good company of all of you.

I joined the staff at Trinity in July 2020, in the thick of the pandemic, baffled and intimidated like we all were. The Christ I have encountered in this church community through the wise spirits of the children and youth ministers, the goodness that had been planted in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd curriculum, the integrity of the Youth Group, and most significantly, in the lovely and stunning lives of the children and youth I get to serve, has transformed me to better seek love and justice in the world.

Getting to work alongside the current staff – Elizabeth, Sarah, John, Betty, Cami, Jan, Tom, Carlos, Mary Ann, and staff members no longer with us – Katrina, Hannah Ruth, Miguel, and Dent, has been incredibly fun, sweet, inspiring, (and even delicious).

I cannot show my gratitude enough to the Catechists and Youth Mentors who have accompanied me in this work. Thank God I have five months more to grapple with and express what their companionship has meant to me.

I am excited for the future of Trinity's Children and Youth ministry. I know it will continue to flourish as a place of radical love. I am so happy we will be together through the Advent Season to serve and celebrate and love the world as Christ loves us.

Peace and thanks,


Diana Small
Director of Children and Youth Ministries
Trinity Episcopal Church


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